Wednesday 15 January 2014

My History with Mathematics

When I look back at my past school experiences nothing really comes to mind. I feel like most of the memories that I have are configurations of stories that were continuously retold to me by my parents or grandparents. So, that's not such a great start...

What I can remember is that math was taught to us in a way that you would imagine school on a tv show. We, the students, were in our seats (often in small groups), and we learned from the teacher as she used the board at the front of the class to explain each concept. We had text books and homework and very little interactions and manipulatives. 

Also, when thinking about mathematics in the early grades one memory does come to mind... When I was in grade three we did those speed multiplication tests. I could never remember the solution to 8 x 8 so I always cheated off of my classmate, Stephanie. Funny thing is, if you test me now, that will probably be my quickest answer. The fact that this is the only thing I can remember about mathematics in my primary and elementary years shows how much of it really stuck with me and how big (well, little) of an impact those experiences had on my life. 

Thinking about my personal relation to mathematics, I would consider myself to be an average student. I recall getting mostly 4s on my report cards. I never remember doing an outstanding or an appalling mark on any tests, assignments or homework and that was about the only way I could judge my successes. Unfortunately, that still seems to be the case with my learning experiences, even now that I'm in university. Too much pressure is put on final grades that, often times, key concepts and outcomes of a course may decay into senseless notes that frequently become forgotten or dismissed. Useful knowledge becomes useless information. 

As I think my way through the grades and reach the high school level, I realised that I don't even know my high school math teachers off hand. They were nice and all, but not memorable. I can recall bits and pieces of experiences, all of which are fairly typical learning experience in that the teachers preached in front of the class to students seated in rows. I also remember a few in-class opportunities for small group work. (These experiences tended to result in one person already completing the problems assigned and the rest of the group just using that person's answers.)

In my first year of university, I took mathematics 1000 (intro to calculus). I had the marks and didn't want to waste two semesters working on math (to get the credits needed to apply for education). Up until that point, I thought I was decent in math; I never really had to try and yet I always got good marks. But with this course, things were different. I went to the math help centre and struggled with assignments. Needless to say, it was the last math course in my education career. 

When considering my experiences with math outside of school, I immediately thought about my summer job. Although most of my jobs have involved being a cashier, for the past couple years, I have also been using spreadsheets to balance accounts and record money. Each week I am in charge of reconciling sales and ensuring that the numbers balance out properly. I also ensure that my workplace has enough change on hand and make frequent runs to the bank. I remember one of my co-workers commenting on my work saying that they would have thought this to be a job for an accountant and I thought that was interesting. 

All things considered, I have nothing against mathematics. I see it as something practical and useful. It can be fun (especially since I like numbers and problem solving) but it can also be quite dreadful and confusing. I find I rely too much on calculators and other devices to "do the math" for me. I would like to feel more comfortable using mathematics in order to set the best example for my future students. 

P.S.: The answer is 64.

If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, 
it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. 
- John Louis von Newmann

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Hello and Welcome!

First of all, I would like to say hello and welcome to my blog. As the sub-title suggests, I am here to rediscover mathematics through the mathematics education course ED 3940 at Memorial University. This blog will be an extension of class conversations, a place to collect and share resources as well as an outlet for me to reconsider mathematics and why math teachers count. 

In case you were wondering a bit about me,  I am a fifth year MUN student, youngest child, and roller coaster enthusiast. I enjoy sunshine and sushi and my favourite number is 47. 

I look forward to exploring mathematics, making connections and using this blog to plot the points of my journey along the way. 

If equations are trains threading the landscape of numbers, then no train stops at pi.
- Richard Preston